Cheap Wallpapers Blowing Paint Dealers How to Get Consumers

There are many kinds of wallpapers. Nowadays, the wallpaper on the market is dominated by cheap wallpapers and liquid wallpaper paints. The wallpaper is used as one of the wall decoration materials and paints are divided equally between the world, and a new wave of decorative landscaping is created. The wallpaper is used as a wall decoration. The techniques are becoming more and more common.

Equity Wallpaper Brands Market Consumers Value Efforts

In people's traditional concepts, wallpaper has always been synonymous with high-end decoration. He not only looks good, but also has good applicability. It is generally believed that "wallpapers are good-looking but too expensive." This has led most families to use cheaper latex paints to decorate the walls. However, in the last two years, the large-scale production of wallpaper in the country and the increase in sales competition have caused a substantial drop in the price of wallpaper. Many newly-opened wallpaper stores have introduced products that are more economical than latex paint. With less cost, buy a good product with both color and quality. Industry sources said that the era of cheap wallpaper has come.

In the 14th century Europe already had early wallpapers. In the 15th century, there were expensive leather walls. In the 18th century, paper wallpapers that were first made in the UK appeared on the market. Since then, wallpapers have become popular around the world. Especially in modern times, with the development of technology, the variety, material and performance of wallpapers have been greatly improved. The new wallpapers are not only colorful, but also simple to install and clean.

In recent years, the domestic wallpaper industry has developed rapidly. Many wallpaper brands have appeared in the decoration building materials market one after another. The price of wallpaper is also declining due to competition in the industry. More people are more willing to choose wallpapers during the renovation. The use of wallpaper will become the mainstream of wall decoration. More than 60% of households use wallpaper in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

Many consumers believe that paint is the most affordable way of wall treatment because it is inexpensive. However, people in the industry said that the price of some latex paints may seem slightly better than that of wallpapers. However, when used for a long time, wallpapers are actually more affordable.

The price of the wallpaper ranges from a few hundred dollars to several thousand dollars. According to the sales staff, “The price of the wallpaper is becoming more and more reasonable. If you want to use wallpaper to decorate the whole wall, the cost will be several times higher than latex paint. For example, 60 A square meter of the house needs about 2,000 yuan of latex paint. If you use a wallpaper, you will need about 5,000 yuan. Such a price will shut out many low-budget consumers. Now, with the increase in the number of wallpapers, there are many different price points. The overall budget for using wallpapers is relatively reasonable, and consumers using wallpapers naturally have more.”

In addition, in terms of mid-range wallpapers, the price of a roll of wallpaper is approximately between 100 and 200 yuan. According to the small-volume wallpaper, a wall surface of 5 square meters is counted, and the price per square meter is between 20-50 yuan. If you come across a big discount, some nice wallpapers will cost as low as 10 yuan per square meter.

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