Aircraft Emergency Escape Skills

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An escape skill:

1. Cover your mouth and nose with wet handkerchief

In the event of an accident, inhalation of harmful gases must be avoided and escaping before the fire is serious. In the moment of an air crash, if the cabin crew can not play a role, the passenger's primary task is to remain calm. Once the aircraft lands after a forced landing, the smoke will diffuse into the cabin in a short time. In fact, the cause of death for many victims is inhalation of toxic fumes. After the smoke has been inhaled into the body, passengers will lose consciousness. This means the termination of the escape process.

Therefore, it is the most critical disposal method to protect the nose and mouth and avoid direct inhalation of harmful gases. “After the voyage begins, the flight attendants will distribute the pre-meal wet wipes to the passengers. Please do not lose it.” The trainer said wet wipes can filter out some harmful gases and prolong the escape time. "Of course, you have to race against time. When an accident occurs in an airplane, if there is a fire and smoke is emitted, passengers usually have less than two minutes to flee. You must rush to flee the plane before the fire is serious."

2. Run away from the plane and run upwind, survivors who run in the wind may receive secondary damage.

Regarding the claim that someone once proposed the safe seating area in the cabin, from the point of view of construction, the security of any seat in the cabin is the same. In each crash, the attitude of the aircraft on the ground is different, which means that the safety zone is different each time.

3. See emergency exits when boarding

When an accident occurs, first remember the location of the emergency exit and do not blindly follow the flow of people. Emergency exits are the most important escape route when an aircraft emergency occurs. In fact, when an accident occurred, many people rushed back and forth or rushed forward. When passengers board a plane, it is very important to see and remember the distance between their seats and emergency exits. In the event of an accident on a plane, the cabin is dark, so please do not blindly follow the flow of people. Pay attention to the fluorescent strips in the aisles and pay close attention to the location of the emergency exit. If it is found that the emergency exit has also caught fire or is surrounded by heavy smoke, then it is necessary to run toward a bright place. In the dark, where there is light is often the escape from the plane.

Three minutes after takeoff and eight minutes before landing are the most dangerous. According to survey data, 80% of air crashes occurred during these two time periods. Therefore, passengers need to be vigilant during this period. Do not wake up immediately after boarding. The safety precautions that are played before take-off are all measures that are taken when an aircraft is in an emergency situation. It is very important to watch it carefully and keep it in mind.

4. Hard objects that faded

Starting from the warning of a forced landing, the crew will give instructions to passengers. Be sure to follow the command and do not be foolhardy. Organized escapes are more likely to be surviving than competing and grabbing each other. In order to avoid damage to the aircraft emergency slide caused by foreign objects, please remove high-heeled shoes, glasses, and other sharp objects. Inflammables such as stockings will fade in time to prevent them from being burned by fire.

High-heeled shoes, glasses, stockings, etc. may all prevent the escape and must be promptly removed. If the crew has already made a forced-down warning, the first thing the passengers need to do is to confirm whether the seat belt is fastened. If an accident occurs on the plane, it will have a powerful impact, which will also be fatal to the passenger's body. The seat belts will play an important role at this time.

Of course, the smooth release of the seat belt is also critical when the aircraft lands or stops. After the passengers are recommended to board the flight, they can repeat the series of movements to relieve the troubles.

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