How do the husband and wife work busy wedding room decoration?

The young couple is the most busy class in the entire society. There are small and middle-aged men and women who are the mainstays of the social crowd. They travel between the company and their home every day. Even when they are resting, there are very few, let alone decoration, consumption. Hard work. Preparing for the wedding itself has been complex and trivial. How can we have time to run the market, buy materials, and supervise the project? Leave decoration, huh, huh.

Many newcomers make up their marriage room by parents. However, for young people who are married and living in a foreign country, they are not suitable. Even if they are in their hometowns, they are too tired and afraid that their parents are too hard. Therefore, the best way is to choose a reputable home improvement company to refurbish a new house. As long as the two parties can clearly write out their responsibilities in the contract, they can wait for acceptance.

First, choose a reliable decoration company

So how do you choose a reliable decoration company?

Many citizens may have had such experiences. Friends and relatives around them have found a decoration team. After the renovation, the effect is not bad. Anyone who knows how to use this decoration team has encountered various renovation problems. In fact, many "rookie" do not know the operation of the decoration team. A lot of irregular decoration teams are pulling the bills around, pulling customers and then convening a construction team to carry out construction. Construction team personnel are highly mobile and do not have professional qualifications to form a stable and guaranteed quality of decoration. Even if a decoration team has done a good renovation project, but these few good cases are more reflect the accidental rather than inevitable, decoration "guerrilla" is difficult to fundamentally guarantee the stability and continuity of project quality.

Qijia Xiaobian recommends that everyone:

1. When choosing a decorating company, it is better to choose a brand company with a larger brand and a better reputation, or a decoration company with relevant industry protection. If there is a decoration problem, it can be solved directly by its superior unit. However, it should be noted that many decoration companies in the market are under the banner of certain association members, but they have no relevant qualifications. After learning about the services of the decoration company, you may wish to check the website of the relevant association or call the association's phone to confirm it. Be careful not to be deceived.

2. Visit the construction site and see how the neighbor's house is decorated. Ask more questions about people's feelings. After all, one hundred is not as good as one.

3, the construction team to choose. The quality of decoration depends largely on the quality of the construction team. Therefore, before the renovation, we must also examine the construction team used by the decoration company. To teach everyone a shortcut, whether the construction team has strength, can also see from the tools they use. At present, the degree of electrification of decorative works is very high. In general, a powerful construction team has begun to use tools such as electric steam pumps and nail guns in order to improve quality and efficiency.

4, a good designer is the supervisor of the entire construction

If you have a better economic situation, you can choose a better designer. How does the designer think this is a matter of opinion?

Good designers need to have a lot of aesthetic ideas and drawing skills, excellent room planning capabilities, a certain housing structure theory, can use ergonomic theory in the actual design, proficiency in CAD software, 3D design, PHOTOSHOP software, etc. Related graphics processing software also needs to have good communication skills and comprehension skills, serious eye attitudes, and humility and trustworthiness, and some designers are often slightly disrespectful. Look at the designer's other work to see if the designer's style of design matches your appeal and whether you can save money if you think about it.

Wedding room wedding room decoration wedding room design wedding room decoration

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