London, November 15 news: The London Metal Exchange (LME) has the following changes in inventory in the five trading days (in tons): Variety Newer inventory November 15 November 14 November 11 November 10 November 9 Copper 64,850 - 150 - 350 -1,100 - 1,025 + 450 Aluminum 493,550 + 700 -3,675 - 700 + 100 +2,475 Tin 12,625 +1,690 +2,320 - 45 - 135 - 85 Lead 45,700 - 350 - 450 - 900 - 225 - 800 Zinc 464,550 -2,500 -2,625 -2,400 -2,425 - 600 Nickel 20,208 + 366 + 234 - 246 + 156 + 186 Aluminum Alloy 55,780 Flat +180 Flat Flat NASAAC 124,460 flat - 40 - 40 flat - 100 *NASAAC is a North American specialty aluminum alloy