Vortex Flowmeter Common Faults

Vortex flowmeter is a commonly used flow meter. The use of any instrument can not be separated from routine maintenance and maintenance. No matter whether it is its own fault or interference from external factors, we should respond calmly to the emergence of the fault.
Vortex flowmeters that are in a state of long-term stable operation may also fail during operation. The reasons for such failures are as follows:
First, the failure of the inspection side components and electronic components
After a long period of operation, some electronic components may reach their end of life and fail, causing the instrument to malfunction.
Second, the damage of impurities in the medium
After long-term work, the dirt inside the fluid is attached to the inner wall of the measuring tube, the surface of the generating body and the inner wall of the instrument converter, the surface of the generating body and the surface of the detecting element, and the geometric parameters of the measuring tube and the generating body are changed, and the measurement of the instrument is performed. The error increases, which reduces the sensitivity of the detection element and reduces the amplitude of the signal, which in turn causes the detection element to fail.
Third, lightning damage
It is a common fault that field instruments are damaged by lightning strikes during thunderstorms. Lightning strikes in the transmission line will induce instantaneous high-voltage spikes and strong inrush currents, breakdown or burn the electronic components inside the converter. This lightning strike is mainly introduced through the power line and signal line.
Fourth, environmental reasons
Long-term erosion of corrosive gases and moisture in the environment can cause the insulation resistance of the detection element to drop, as well as the corrosion of some electronic components, terminals, and grounding terminals, which increases the contact resistance of the connector and attenuates the transmission signal.
No matter what kind of failure, first find out the cause of the failure, and then remedy the situation, must be able to do more with less, troubleshooting, followed by daily maintenance in the use of care and maintenance can greatly improve efficiency.

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