Seven strokes to easily identify true and false biological pesticides

In recent years, some unscrupulous manufacturers have “selling dog meat” and using chemical pesticides to pretend to be bio-pesticide. Users should practice “eyes” and purchase veritable biological pesticides. The following points can be used to easily identify the true and false biological pesticides.
A look at the product packaging specifications Plant sources, mineral sources, microorganisms, proteins and oligosaccharides and other biological pesticides, generally used in large quantities, large packaging specifications, packaging specifications within 50 ml (g), is likely to be fake drugs.
Plant growth regulators (such as brassinolide, indoleacetic acid, etc.) and sexual attractants are used in small amounts, and the packaging size is above 100 ml (g), which is likely to be a counterfeit drug.
Two-view product dosage form Many biological pesticides can only be made into several fixed dosage forms due to their own characteristics, such as Bacillus thuringiensis products, only several formulations of wettable powder, suspending agent and water-dispersible granules; protein and oligosaccharides The main products are water-based products. Before buying, look at the dosage form indicated on the label. For bagged pesticides, touch them by hand, carefully observe the appearance of the product, and observe the state of the product after dilution with water if necessary. If the aqueous product becomes a milky white liquid after water, it may be a fake pesticide.
Third, check the scope of application of products Biological pesticides such as viruses and sexual attractants generally only work for one kind of pests. If it is indicated that such pesticides have multiple uses, the products may be fake.
The use of bio-pesticides such as plant sources, mineral sources, microorganisms, proteins and oligosaccharides is relatively large, and the general dilution factor is below 500 times. If the product indicates that the dosage per acre is in the range of tens of milliliters (grams), or the dilution factor is more than 1000 times, the product may be false.
Fifth, look at the product efficacy statement The biological effects of plant sources, mineral sources, microorganisms, proteins and oligosaccharides are slow. If the nominal effect is rapid and quick-acting, the product may be fake.
Validity of the six-test product The active ingredient of the microbial drug is a living organism that is not resistant to storage. The shelf life is generally from six months to one year. If such products are marked for a period of two years, the product may be false.
Seven to compare prices The price is significantly higher than similar bio-pesticide, it is likely to illegally add other pesticides; the price is significantly lower than similar bio-pesticide, it is likely to cut corners. Do not buy such products.
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