Melon seed seedling fertilization technology

Melon needs a large amount of fertilizer, not only requires a large number of elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, but also sensitive to trace elements such as calcium and boron. Melon is similar to nitrate nitrogen, and it is advisable to apply nitrate nitrogen fertilizer. The amount of fertilizer needed was the least in seedling stage. The absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium increased gradually after flowering. The peak of nitrogen and potassium absorption was 16-17 days after fruit setting, and the peak of phosphorus and calcium absorption was 26-27 days after fruit setting. Calcium and boron not only affect the sweetness of the fruit, but also affect the appearance of the fruit. The calcium is insufficient, the surface of the fruit is rough and white, and the flesh is prone to brown spots when boron is absent. Melon is a chlorine-free crop. It is not advisable to apply chlorine-containing fertilizers. It is also not suitable to spray chlorine-containing pesticides to avoid damage and quality degradation of melon.

Melon starts from planting to harvesting and takes about 85-120 days. From sowing to harvesting, it has four growth stages: germination, seedling, vine and fruiting. Melon is sensitive to temperature, temperature is 30 ° C, ground temperature is 20 ° C, temperature is 25-30 ° C, night temperature is 15-20 ° C is the optimum temperature for development. Melon is sensitive to the ground temperature. When the temperature is 13 °C, the growth is stagnant. The melon has enough light and is drought-tolerant and extremely resistant. It is suitable for sandy loam or sand with loose soil, good ventilation, deep soil and rich organic matter.

Melon fertilization technology

Melon fertilization should be combined with base fertilizer and topdressing. It is required that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are continuously supplied during the growth period, and the nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium absorption ratio is 2:1:3.7.

Base fertilizer: It is mainly based on organic fertilizer, and fermented and fermented organic fertilizer is used. It is best to use high-quality bio-organic fertilizer to protect No. 2. The base fertilizer is applied during the ploughing and land preparation, and the application amount accounts for 60%-70% of the total fertilization amount. Each acre is applied to No. 2 150-300 kg and full-speed 16-16-16 stable long-acting fertilizer 40-80 kg. If the soil is acidic, add 20 kg of No. 4 sugar calcium and magnesium fertilizer.

Top dressing: When the melon fruit grows to the size of the egg, it should be topdressed in time, and the fertilizer can be applied in combination with watering. Melon is a potassium-producing crop that can be combined with watering to supplement melon with high-nitrogen and high-potassium compound fertilizers, such as the full-speed 13-4-42, to promote fruit growth. The demand for potassium in the late stage of melon is large, and the increase of potassium fertilizer can significantly increase the yield and quality of melon. In addition, for plants that are prosperous, nitrogen fertilizer should be properly controlled.

Top dressing: The whole growth period can be sprayed with Puxi or 侬 有机 organic potassium 2-3 times, which plays the role of flower preservation, fruit preservation, sweetening and disease resistance, which is beneficial to the brightening of the peel, beautiful appearance and high sugar content. Promote the quality of the fruit and ultimately improve the commerciality of the fruit.


1. It must be combined with organic fertilizer to better function, especially in soils with low organic matter and poor fertilizer retention.

2. Pay attention to the reasonable combination of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content, and do not apply a single fertilizer.

3. Determine the type and amount of fertilizer applied according to different periods and plant growth. The seedling stage is mainly nitrogen and phosphorus, which promotes the development of root system; the nitrogen fertilizer is mainly used to promote the strong growth of stems and leaves; the potassium and nitrogen are the main factors in the melon period to improve the fruit quality.

4. Application of compound fertilizer or special fertilizer, is conducive to increasing production and quality.
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